
Friday 29 March 2019

Mersey Beat - I Could Have Been A Beatle

As I have researched the numerous bands that performed in the 1960s at so many venues, I have come across many hard luck stories, cases of 'What If's' and 'Maybe's'. Also there have been opinions of some individuals who state they were 'better than certain members of 'The Beatles' or it was them who taught them how to play. Some still have a 'chip on their shoulder' whilst others say "Je ne regrette rien" and have gone on to have a happy life. With this in mind I wrote this poem :- 'I Could Have Been A Beatle - but...

I could have been a Beatle

I was born in Liverpool.

I could play the guitar quite well

But I went to the Liverpool Collegiate school.

I could have been a Beatle

There were the four of us

We thought we would make the grade

But wrong venue, wrong day, wrong bus

I could have been a Beatle,

I heard Kingsize and Rory both say.

But I didn't meet the right people,

Didn't write 'In My Life' or 'Yesterday'.

I could have been a Beatle

But I had to get a 'proper job'.

The eldest of seven children,

Mum and Dad needed the extra few bob.

I could have been a Beatle,

I'd have enjoyed the fortune and the fame.

But I'm sure that John and George today

Would like to be in my shoes just the same. 


see also :-

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