
Tuesday 21 December 2021

Pool Of Sound - SunZoom

'SunZoom' is the brainchild of Greg McVeigh a psychedelic melody maker from Liverpool, a visual artist and pop/psych/guitar nut.. The band is named after his favourite Captain Beefheart track 'Sun Zoom Spark'. During 2020 Greg wrote and recorded over 20 new tracks which are being released one a month from December 2020. The culmination of the releases will be the first full album release in 2021. He has been slowly making his presence known, gathering momentum over the whole lockdown period. Before recently signing to Andy Crofts' (The Moons / Paul Weller) label Colorama Records he had self-released a bunch of singles generating lots of buzz

'SunZoom' finished their debut album, recorded during the summer/autumn of 2020, and the first single release, The Million Dollar Game' was released in December 2020 with the follow up, 'Lay Down'  released on New Year's Day 2021. Both tracks have had a fantastic reception with 'Lay Down' becoming Number 1 in the Apple Music Rock Chart South Africa in early January and both tracks receiving very strong streaming numbers on Spotify. His first EP, 'The Other Side of the Sun' followed, before the third single, 'Goodnight Godzilla' came out on the 29th of January 2021.

Greg said, "SunZoom is just me. An alter ego if you like. I did use some instrument tracks I recorded many moons ago with amazing players such as Hannah Peel (violin), Martin Smith (Trumpet) and Andy Frizzell (Flute) and I also managed to pull a favour or two from great local players like Pete Kirwin (lead guitar solo on Lay Down) and Geoff Sewell (Additional guitar on an album track). I produced the album in my home studio in the Crosby area of Liverpool, and I was lucky enough to have the help of a great mix engineer in Los Angeles Dan Konopka (who is also the drummer in American Art rock legends OKGO) and London mastering engineer Barry Gardner (Public Service Broadcasting). I can't wait to get the  full band together and get out there. The singles will keep coming for a month or two and then we will look at the album release for Summer 2021. I may need to  pull in a label to do some heavy lifting on the album release but might keep it fully independent as it's amazing what can be done by artists alone these days.  That said I have signed a deal under a different project label which involves the  Liverpool legend Billy Kinsley (Merseybeats/Rockin’ Horse/Liverpool Express)."


He says of the single,'The Garden Birds Of India', "I wrote this song a while ago after spending a bit too long in a fantastic antique/bric-a-brac shop in Liverpool called 69A. I went in to look through vinyl and books and I came across a really old battered copy literally called 'The garden birds of India' and flicked through it for ages. It was dark by the time I left the shop and I wrote the song that night trying to remember the descriptions of all the birds and probably adding my own invented ones in too."  

His eponymous album will be on sale in May 2022 and in December 2021 he posted on his Facebook page, " NEWSFLASH💥 @coloramarecords have put my debut album on pre-sale from today. Out 6th May on VERY limited vinyl and CD. LINK IN BIO." XX

see also:-

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